Monday, April 5

Happy Easter!

Hope you all had a great Easter! I decided to post an album this time around. Besides the Easter pics, there are a couple pics with my parents here. They were in town for 5 days and we had a great time. Hopefully the kids didn't tire them out for their trip to Atlanta! The boys got Papa Monte on the tramp numerous times...and no, no one got hurt. :) My mom helped me out with decorating and teaching me to make curtains. The home decorating has been going slow and steady. I'm looking forward to one part of the house looking finished at some point! Anyway, hope you all had a great Easter and I'm really hoping from now on, our pics will only contain sunshine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aaawwwww! What sweet memories, Gwyn! I hope things are going well. We need to get together sometime soon. Maybe when the weather warms up a little bit, you could come up for a BBQ or something? We miss seeing you both!