Thursday, September 2

Not quite ready for roller derby

The boys school had a fundrasier last night at Rollerland. My initial thought was that it was a bummer that Sam's working out-of-town during the week (he's been in Colorado Springs Mon-Thurs for the past 3 weeks, and has one more), because it would be a fun date for him and the boys...and then I realized...what am I thinking?! I used to love going to the roller rink when I was a girl! So although I laid off any neon colors, I was excited to take the boys. Here some pics, not the best with my camera, but wanted to share the experience.

The boys aren't sure what they're in for...I figured since they were such good ice skaters, they'd have no problem.

Not so much, my stomach hurt from laughing watching Nate try to roller skate. He was constantly on the ground.

But he kept a smile on his face the whole time.

Mac got it down pretty quick and showed Nate how he could hold on to the wall at first to get it down.

He also told him to skate with his arms out to keep his Nate was the one kid who looked like a plane going around the rink.

The boys didn't last too long, but we had a good time. They're already trying to figure out if they can have birthday parties there. We'll see...

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